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CodeBERT fine-tuned for Insecure Code Detection

codebert-base fine-tuned on CodeXGLUE — Defect Detection dataset for Insecure Code Detection downstream task.

Details of CodeBERT

We present CodeBERT, a bimodal pre-trained model for programming language (PL) and nat-ural language (NL). CodeBERT learns general-purpose representations that support downstream NL-PL applications such as natural language codesearch, code documentation generation, etc. We develop CodeBERT with Transformer-based neural architecture, and train it with a hybrid objective function that incorporates the pre-training task of replaced token detection, which is to detect plausible alternatives sampled from generators. This enables us to utilize both bimodal data of NL-PL pairs and unimodal data, where the former provides input tokens for model training while the latter helps to learn better generators. We evaluate CodeBERT on two NL-PL applications by fine-tuning model parameters. Results show that CodeBERT achieves state-of-the-art performance on both natural language code search and code documentation generation tasks. Furthermore, to investigate what type of knowledge is learned in CodeBERT, we construct a dataset for NL-PL probing, and evaluate in a zero-shot setting where parameters of pre-trained models are fixed. Results show that CodeBERT performs better than previous pre-trained models on NL-PL probing.

Details of the downstream task (code classification) – Dataset

Given a source code, the task is to identify whether it is an insecure code that may attack software systems, such as resource leaks, use-after-free vulnerabilities and DoS attack. We treat the task as binary classification (0/1), where 1 stands for insecure code and 0 for secure code.
The dataset used comes from the paper Devign: Effective Vulnerability Identification by Learning Comprehensive Program Semantics via Graph Neural Networks. All projects are combined and splitted 80%/10%/10% for training/dev/test.
Data statistics of the dataset are shown in the below table:

Train 21,854
Dev 2,732
Test 2,732

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